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This guide is for anyone interested in a deeper understanding of the XL Platform. It introduces you to XL and provides a top-level view of key features.
This guide is for the person configuring XL. It explains how to configure XL to monitor the manufacturing process.
This guide is for the electrician installing XL. It includes instructions for hanging XL on the machine, connection to the network, and how to obtain signals from the machine.
This guide is for the electrician installing XL HD. It includes instructions for hanging XL HD on the machine, connection to the network, and how to obtain signals from the machine.
Explains how XL monitors the manufacturing process, how to leverage information on the scoreboard, and how to input information by scanning barcodes.
Explains how XL is architected, how it interacts with your network, and how software updates are delivered.
Provides an overview for how the XL API can be used to integrate with other manufacturing systems.
The large digital “smart” display with useful features such as onboard logic for count, rate, downtime, takt time, target counters, clocks, serial, analog and BCD displays.